> Hi Gurus,
> Sorry for the OT.
> I have been working on jsp/servlets for a last four years to create web 
> pages.  Now that I have found out there is more out there, I am in a dilemma. 
>  Which one should I learn and why?  I have a big web project coming up and 
> was wondering which of these I should choose to work on.  This project needs 
> good validation and object relational or sql mapping (hibernate or ibatis).  
> If you have any books or site links to name, please let me know.

It should be noted, of course, that a choice to use Shale would also
necessarily be a choice to use JSF ... Shale assumes that JSF is there
and adds value around the edges (view helper, dialogs, Commons
Validator, Tiles, alternative rendering technologies, remoting
support, ...).  All the stuff you learn about JSF, though, is equally
usable with JSF+Shale.


> Thanks,
> Bob


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