Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 8/22/2005 3:38 PM:

Grab Shale.  Make your backing bean implement ViewController.  Stick
the list setup logic in the prerender() method.  Smile, knowing that
this technique works not only for the welcome page, but for *any* page
to which you navigate (in Struts Classic terms, this is the kind of
thing that you use a Controller for in Tiles).  :-)

If you wanted to do it the hard way, you could set things up to
register a phase listener, and call your list setup logic in a "before
render response" event handler ... but that's the part Shale takes
care of for you.

Ok, I'll try this with Shale, although I'm really surprised the framework (JSF) doesn't take care of this for you by default? In struts it's so simple, I simply forward to an Action that populates my employees. I'm still trying to get a handle on all of this and it seems like things are done so many different ways that's it's quite confusing. Complicating matters of course is every example I'm finding seems to deal with more advanced features that I don't care about at this time - I don't want the bells and whistles yet, just the meat:).

Making matter worse is that I do want to use Tiles. Bascially what I want is something very simple....

User goes to

/webapp/index.jsp (or just /webapp - welcome file will be index.jsp)

This ends up bringing the user to a page...

/webapp/employees.jsp that looks like

      header (a tile)
menu  |
(tile)|  { display a list of employees }
      |      (body tile)

What is the standard way of accomplishing this in JSF? I'm looking at Geary's example in Core JSF with Tiles but that doesn't seem to help much in this case and I've been looking over the MyFaces tiles example. The former deals with Tiles in a more advanced example (nothing in the faces config) and the later deals with tiles where no business logic in any classes needs to take place.

I guess I'll try all this first without using tiles.


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