I sympathize entirely with what you are saying, Murray, and believe
that there is no good reason for the present difficulties you face. 
The situation is NOT inevitable or even desirable.

I would strongly suggest you consider the Spring alternative which is
highly unlikely to change in fundamentals for a very long time.

There is no vision here that is not willy nilly and merely fulfilling
some philosophical opinions about community which come down to
servicing the older committers' daytime jobs and reputatoins, in my
opinion.  They say that too, but I will guess that they don't want
anyone else saying it.

Struts is a very unstable community producing inferior code at this
point with political infighting on a "nice" level to steal the name
for the latest and greatest old idea trying to claim to be very, very,
very new.

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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