Just to put in my 2 cent worth,

I am not sure your point is 100% valid. True, languages and technology is changing daily and what you learn today is worthless in 10 years from a coding language standpoint, but being a senior developer or architect is very different than being a coder. Some key things that are learned from experience:

1. Just because a new technology is "hot" in the industry, it is not necessarily right for your organization. Many young talented developers will attempt to change the environement to what they are comfortable with, not what is the best fit for the company. I have seen a lot of good developers attempt to write php or _javascript_ functions because they know how, but do not consider what the impact of that decision is. What is the impact on the server? What is the impact on the client? How maintainable is it if they move to a different projeect? etc.

2. Depending on the background of the developer, many younger (I sound old) developers may not have been exposed to the various stages of the production life cycle. They may work well on new projects, but not work well under the pressure of a major production outage. Others may have spent years developing updates to legacy systems which and not been exposed to new development. Adding one of these developers to a new project, most will attempt to impose what they know on the problem and not look at what is best.

3. New technology geeks (self imposed title), often know a technology or a suite of technologies. They are truely excellent programmers, but do not understand business. (Welcome to the 2000 .bom explotion). Just because something is a great idea, does not mean that it is a good business decision. Just because you can do something, does not mean that you should. User interface design, Business Process Optimization, Change Management, these are soft skills that are required for a lot of companies.

4. When looking for senior level developers, architects, etc, you need a developer that has been exposed to more than just one method of development or one environment. Someone who truely knows that there are many ways to solve a problem and knows how to find the right implementation. They need to be able to think for themselves, not just code to what they know or want to know.

Yes technology changes, but good practices, design knowledge, and research skills are all tools that are developed over time.

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          Rick Reumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

          09/12/2005 02:26 PM

          Please respond to
          "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>


Struts Users Mailing List <user@struts.apache.org>



Re: Who decides?

Brandon Mercer wrote the following on 9/12/2005 2:11 PM:

> Building a web interface with a database backend isn't innovative.... it
> is mearly being implemented to solve a particular businesses need.

That's exactly my point though. Once you understanding the basics, the
learning is then in the new implementations of things ( you going to use
EJBs, hibernate, iBATIS?). You going to use JSF, WebWorks, Struts,
Tapestry? What's a bit annoying is having to figure out what to "pick"
to learn. It's sort of like gambling on what will be the next 'hot'
thing employeers will look for. Stupid really. An employeer shouldn't
care so much what you know 'now' but what you have the potential to
learn down the road.


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