Graham Reeds wrote:

I have a jsp page with a link to Tester: <a href="pages/Tester">Test</a>

Oh, wait.

See, I don't think that will work. If you use an <html:link action="pages/Tester">Test</html:link> that should do it.

<a href=...> doesn't know about struts.

Are you mapping with *.do? If so, then how would you expect an <a href="pages/Tester"...> to be able to find the page?

In my struts-config.xml I have a forward mapped: <action path="pages/Tester" forward="" />

Put the leading / in there anyway and put it in your link tag. Otherwise I get nervous.

However this gives a 404 for the page test/pages/Tester

Your webapp is under 'test'? (Just for completeness of info.)

I've never had any real issues with tiles so I suspect you're just not paying attention to the docs :)


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