
I my continued persuit of Shale and Clay and have now started to apply my 
standard style (lquid) to the template application. What I discovered was that 
Clay will not serve .css files. I noticed in Geeta's ShaleNShark1 demo that the 
style sheet was named .html. So I renamed my stylesheet to .html and the 
style's where applied, with 1 exception: my .png files. They did not appear.

I noticed that in the log I got (when named .html):
02.des.2005 09:04:58 org.apache.shale.faces.ShaleViewHandler setupViewController
WARNING: No ViewController for viewId /theme/styles.xml found under name 
02.des.2005 09:04:58 org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler renderView
INFO: Clay template renderView for /theme/styles.xml

I have in my chain-config file:

includes="\S*\.faces,\S*\.html,/index\.jsp,\S*\.xml" />

<command className="org.apache.shale.application.ContextRelativePathFilter"
                                excludes="\S*\.jsp,\S*\.jspf" />

So it should allow access to it. I have not had the time to investigate into 
why this is happening, but since Geeta obviously hit this I thought maybe 
someone had an answer.


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