Here's what I usually do:

     request.setAttribute( Constants.USER, userObject );

and the defines

     public final static String USER = "theUser";

then in the JSP

     <c:out value="${}"/>

But I want to be able to do something like

     <c:out value="${}"/>

I've never actually tried this.  Maybe I should before posting this, but I 
don't know why it would work.  I thought the EL only had access to bean 
properties?  So why would it be able to access a field directly?

 --- On Tue 01/24, Dave Newton < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Dave Newton [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:48:11 -0500
Subject: Re: constant strings in the tags

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> One frequent location of this practice is the names 
for the attributes I set on the session and request ojbects.  Most of the time, 
I then access these attributes on my JSP pages via various struts and jstl 
tags.  But when I reference these objects from the JSP side, I find that I 
can't use defined constants.  This undermines like 50% of the benefit of using 
defined constants for my attribute names.  >   Huh, don't know why you wouldn't 
be able to do that.Wait: you say you access the attributes on the JSP page but 
then say youcan't reference the objects on the JSP side.Are you saying that you 
do something like:request.setAttribute(, results) but 
in JSPyou're not able to do the same thing?> But I don't know how to do this.  
Anybody know how?>   What, exactly, are you trying to do? You can access 
anything on a JSPpage by <%@ page import="..."%>-ing it. You can access things 
by puttingthem into scope. You can put strings 
into a resource file and accessthem from both JSP and code, and you get 
automagically I18Nized to 
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