Hello I've a general question on shale.
Despite the jsf spec being churned out for a significant amount of time, there seems to be no tidy means of maintaining request attributes between requests to the server.. If i have a datatable and want to add a row, indeed a can but i need to scope the backing bean to session. I've found a few work arounds for this none of which I like. All the advocates of jsf tell us its the future so on and so forth seem to avoid the issue by just using session scope without a second thought. Oracle have processScope which does the same sort of thing, but this means you have to use one jsf implemenation to do this. Now struts (action, classic, original, vanilla, old trusty, whatever) deals with this, as does adding request attributes in servlets and then forwarding using the request dispatcher.. But JSF has no provision for this, does shale have a solution to this? I tried with action listeners and such like, but never been quite able to pull it off. The only work around involves session scoping and then cleaning as soon as a new get request is made.. I've also seen something about a flash scope, that uses a tag lib, but it smelled funny. I'm I being stupid (not the first time) ? Or its there still no tidy way of dealing with this problem? Mark --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]