would struts-el  v1.3.0/ will work with struts 1.2.8 and tomcat 4.1.30 ( JSP 
1.2) ?


"Michael Jouravlev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/27/2006 02:48 PM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>
        Subject:        Re: JSP 1.2 ( JSTL EL) and checkbox problem.

> We are using tomcat 1.4.30 which in turn has jsp 1.2 version.
> JSTL EL works differently in this version meaning  For outputting text 
you should not >                         <html:option 
> <------------This doesn't work.

Use Struts-EL. This library allows to use EL syntax for JSP 1.2 

> 2.   I have big problem with html:checkbox, it doesn't communicate 
> back from FormBean to Action servlet, even after overloading
> ActionForm.reset() method with default vaule.

Struts <html:xxx> tags is not simply a different way to display
dynamic data. They generate proper names of input elements, these
names are used on input phase by Beanutils to set form bean properties
using request data.


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