Larry Meadors wrote:

Hi, Larry. How is the weather in Tampa Bay, today?

I don't know exactly where your talents lie, but you're not very good at identity spoofing.

Don't do this any more. This has got to be abuse of the systems (and all the ones in between) writing posts and signing my name to them. This could get to be a serious matter.

Also, this business of James Mitchell posting a private message from 4 days ago in order to re-ignite a flame war that was already over -- I mean, this is just too much.

You know, I have debated fair and square and made legitimate points in my posts. I do not recall you ever trying to debate with me. I guess that's too hard to do. It's easier to do this kind of thing.

This is a recurring theme here. It's really like it's too hard to keep developing your own code base. It's much easier to get a competing project to give you their code and for that to be called Struts rather than do your own work.

This whole community is such a travesty, it's beyond belief.

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,

P.S. Larry, in your spoof below, it's like you haven't even yet realized that I am not a Webwork guy. Look on and you'll see. Webwork is just one of many frameworks that uses FreeMarker for the view. That's it.

So writing a spoof in which I sing the praises of Webwork makes no sense. You should devote some energy instead of doing this silliness to get your ahead around what is going on this application space.

I just wanted to apologize to everyone for my arrogant behavior recently.

I do understand that Struts isn't so bad. Times have been tough for me lately and I think I acted out on this list because of it. None of the girls ever spoke to me in high school and the jocks would always beat me up and take my lunch money. But I'm ok now because I'm the lead developer on Freemarker! And Freemarker is awesome!! The only thing close to it in its awesomness is WebWork.

I know Struts is really made of poo poo and I'm just incredibly awesome, but I don't want you to all take it so personal and I'm sorry you guys all did. I'm only after honest answers - seriously - really that's all I really wanted. I know WebWork is my god and some day when I'm king of the FreeMarkeropia universe the girls will give me a second chance. You'll see. All of you!! Even Mr Evans the gym teacher will see that I'm awesome.

Oh and just one more thing, don't forget: "WebWork rules! and Struts users Drool!!" Ha Ha


Jonathan Master of Freemarker and soon to be Ruler of FreeMarkeropia.
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