Busschots, you and Newton are really the worst on this list.  You never have
code or ideas, only c-r--a---p.

On 4/22/06, Bart Busschots <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Revusky wrote:
> > Ted Husted wrote:
> >> On 4/19/06, Alexandre Poitras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Second, all the comitters have answered your questions very nicely
> >>
> >>
> >> Yes, we have.
> >
> > I don't know whether you actually believe this in your own mind.
> > However, there is a complete electronic archive of this forum and I
> > don't think that examining it would support this view.
> >
> > Here is what I think someone would find by examining the archive.
> > Whenever certain pointed questions are posed, one of two things happens:
> >
> > (1) The person being posed the question simply walks away from the
> > discussion. This has happened at least a couple of times in
> > conversations where I have asked you to clarify points you have made,
> > Ted. This is also the approach Niall Pemberton has used a couple of
> > times. You write something, and then when somebody brings up
> > counter-arguments are asks you to clarify one or more of your points,
> > you  just walk away from the discussion.
> >
> > The other thing that frequently happens is this:
> >
> > (2) The other person (or sometimes a proxy) resorts to illegitimate
> > ad-hominem discourse to dodge the perfectly legitimate question being
> > posed. This is the approach used at different times by James Mitchell,
> > Steve Raeburn, and Craig McClanahan.
> I see things a little different:
> 1) Someone says they'd like to use Struts
> 2) Jack or Jon lambast struts and re-pose their standard question with
> their standard opinion and lable it all as fact rather than opinion.
> 3) The developers ignore them for a while because we've been round this
> roundabout a million times before
> 4) Jack or Jon insult the developers for not answering their questions
> repeatedly
> 5) The developers eventually get fed up with the crap on the list an DO
> answer the question
> 6) Jack and Jon insist the developers are wrong, say they still haven't
> answered the question and the cycle continues
> The ultimate irony is that the developers also get lambasted for being
> too slow yet are expected to waste hours of their time trawling through
> mindless drivel that is constantly repeated over and over again by
> people WHO DON'T CONTRIBUTE. I don't see Jon & Jack answering users
> questions yet I do see them constantly and continuously attacking struts
> and attacking the struts team. You've made your point lads, we're sick
> of hearing it. If you are going to keep complaining that struts sucks DO
> SOMETHING TO HELP or just leave us all alone. My mail client has started
> to label your posts to this list as spam which says something. Even
> crude AI can see that you are not contributing anything useful.
> Finally, Ted & co, thanks for your long posts in reply to these trolls,
> I, as a struts user, appreciate them and am happy with them. Keep up the
> good work and don't let the two grumpy old men get you down.
> I am also aware that this post is not really that useful so this will be
> my only contribution to this 'discussion'.
> Bart.
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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