Michael Jouravlev wrote:

>> > On 5/3/06, Rob Manthey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> ... action knowing dynamically what jsp it's called from ... 
> Despite that HTTP is stateless, the application has its state,
> which is defined by
> * state stored on the server, like session-scoped data
> * input data that was submitted with request
> Based on this information, application updates the Model (and its
> state) if needed (that is, updates session objects or writes to a
> database, database being a part of server state), and displays a view.
> It may choose a view out of several possible views based on current
> state (again, if you do not use session-scoped objects, current state
> is completely defined by input data and maybe by some stuff that you
> pulled from the database).

Yep, this is currently what I understand and what my app does, so I'm
glad I'm not too far off-track so far!   :)

> If you care about where your action is called from, 

Only so much as to have a page for the server to send back to the user -
ie: the page that they were on - not some other interim page.

> just pass this
> info along as request parameter, this is the easiest thing. Or,
> instead of passing something like "calledFrom=SearchPage" you can pass
> something like "searchCriteria=...". The action would know that it
> needs to perform a search and to return found.

... which is where I was heading, but thought I'd pull on the reins and
say "am I doing this right?  Is there a part of the framework that I'm
missing that does this for me".  (I suspect this'd be resolved outright
if my app was using AJAX for the shared actions ... ?)

> Try this as well: http://wiki.apache.org/struts/DataEntryForm

Had a peek - this looks like mandatory reading for me next up.

> The above link needs some polishing, but it already has some usable
> ideas. Write (or curse) back if my babbling was not clear ;-)
> Michael.

Thanks heaps

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