Joe Germuska wrote:
> At 9:14 AM +0200 6/8/06, Julian Tillmann wrote:
>> - But the spring Context offers some new possibilites
>>   like IOC but to be honest I'm not expert enough
>>   to understand this up to date!
> This is the Spring feature that I appreciate the most.  Before we
> started using Spring, it was always awkward to make sure that your
> Action classes had references to business support and persistence
> manager classes.  While there are plenty of solutions, all of them
> looked clumsy after we saw how we could use Spring to "inject" those
> dependencies into the action classes directly.


This functionality is _sooooo_ useful, especially for larger projects
and/or projects where not all functionality will be implemented at the
same time... trivial stubbing of functionality, easier testing of
isolated components, blah blah blah.

Almost makes Java bearable!!!

> Reflection performance has been markedly improved since earlier
> editions of the JVM.  Struts already uses it all over the place
> (specifically for ActionForm population on every request, plus a lot
> of stuff at initialization time.)  Do you have an application which
> needs extremely careful performance tuning?

Also the performance penalty of reflection (which, as Joe says, is
fairly low now anyway) pales in comparison to the overhead of the
underlying network transport.


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