Yes, it does help -- thank you! I'll look into cactus and (probably better) if 
there's some way I can rearrange my testing strategy. TPTP seems to have some 
sort of datapooling arrangement which might help me.

Eventually, I'm going to need to set up some multiple thread tests and confirm 
that correct values get written to the DB, so I do need to have some of the 
persistence layer strategies you mention. I'm not sure I'll be able to get away 
from running it in the container, though -- some of what I'm concerned about is 
the interaction of multiple threads with Hibernate, Spring, ThreadLocal, etc. 
-- is there a way to look at all that without being in the container?

More specifically, we had a problem where we were using a ThreadLocal variable 
to store the operator id in a Spring-enabled stateless class. The operator id 
was (potentially at least) getting saved back to the thread pool where it could 
be applied to another thread picking up the same class. Instead, we've saved 
the operator id to a stateful class and passed it to the original class as 
method arguments. Now we want to test that multiple threads with different 
operator ids persist the correct operator id back to the DB. 

I have a pretty good idea how to write up that test. What I'm less clear about 
is how to actually run the test once it's set up. I had assumed that I needed 
to be in the container that the application normally runs in so that I wouldn't 
have to reproduce all of the configuration details. Is that a wrong assumption?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 2:11 PM
Subject: RE: Junit tests on remote Struts application in Eclipse


It sounds like you're trying to run the tests inside the container.  If so, 
JUnit can't do that on it's own.  You can use Cactus to proxy from the 
testrunner (outside the container) to the tests (inside the container).

I've always found Cactus to be a bit of a PITA, however, and have changed my 
testing strategy to avoid it.  My tests are split into three

 - POJO JUnit tests which test the java code and run very fast.  These drive 
most of my development via TDD.
 - Tests that involve other systems, principally the database.  I substitute a 
DAO factory that uses a local JDBC Connection instead of getting a datasource 
from the container.  These tests check the Persistence layer.  They're much 
slower than the ordinary JUnit tests (particulary because they use DBUnit to 
set up test data), but they're still faster and easier than in-container tests.
 - Acceptance or System tests that test the application as a whole, running in 
the container, through the normal web interface (using HttpUnit).  These don't 
have to test the edge conditions, because those are tested in the other tests, 

Hope that helps.

 - George

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Loschen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 1:25 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Junit tests on remote Struts application in Eclipse
> Hi all,
> This is admittedly tangential to our topic, but some other questions 
> on Eclipse came up last week, and people here seem knowledgeable on 
> all sorts of subjects... If you know of a better list on which I could 
> ask this question, please let me
> know: I should probably be on it.
> I have a struts application deployed on a localhost app server (the 
> stack is Windows/Oracle/WebLogic), and I'm using the new Eclipse 3.2 
> IDE (downloaded last week, at least partly to try to solve the current 
> problem). I've set up the project as a regular Java project, which I 
> did before WTP came out. I haven't yet been able to figure out how to 
> use the WTP tools, or if there's something I need to do with my 
> project to enable those, but that's another issue. I've been able to 
> debug the application in Eclipse just fine for several months by 
> connecting to my localhost app and setting breakpoints in my source 
> code etc.
> Now I'm trying to get some Junit tests running. The tests themselves 
> already exist, though eventually I'll be writing some new ones to test 
> some new functionality I'm working on.
> But I haven't been able to run the tests at all yet. I keep getting a 
> null pointer exception on the tests which try to actually connect to 
> the DB. All the DB connections are handled in my app server setup, so 
> I think the difficulty is that I'm just connecting to the code but not 
> to the running application.
> I've got TPTP in this new version of Eclipse but haven't totally 
> figured it out yet. Does anyone have any suggestions to get me started 
> or for some references on how to make this work?
> Thanks for your help!
> Chris
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