Great to hear, thanks for the update! Docs definitely need to be flushed out. Once we get the TLP resolution finalized, we should have some more cycles to get this thing documented and out the door :)


Dave Newton wrote:
Yes, the context init parameter org.apache.tiles.DEFINITION_CONFIG
takes a comma separated list of files/resources.

Are you having issues with it or just couldn't find the documentation
for it?  Either way, enter a bug for it in jira so that we can get it
resolved (even if it's a documentation problem).

Done; just couldn't find docs :)

Most things have been working beautifully; docs are the only real issue.
I've put together a couple tutorials on some fun things (like the *very*
cool "I'll just add one to your list (should we open a more-official
cookbook/tutorial section on the wiki? A few other people are also
putting things together.) Dave

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