Are you getting any kind of error? Enable the Dojo debug, setting debug="true" on the head tag.


Dave Newton wrote:
I created a quick prototype using plain old JSP pages
with some nested tabbedPanels, a div of which was
loaded via Ajax. That div contained an <s:a.../> tag
that loaded another form. This all worked fine, and
there was much rejoicing.


When I moved everthing into the *real* app where the
root page is tiles (the ajax-loaded pages are actions
w/ JSP results) I'm suddenly getting a weird URL from
an <s:url.../> (I think).

The action that is trying to load the dynamic page
works fine; I can get there via the URL and it
displays properly. It's just the link I'm using to
replace a div...


tab2_sub1 is loaded via ajax from an <s:div.../> and
contains a link that should load that same div ("up"
one level) from an Action w/ a JSP result.

<s:url action="task" method="edit" id="editUrl">
  <s:param name="" value=""/>
<s:a theme="ajax" href="%{#editUrl}" targets="subtabTasks">
  <s:property value="#task.description"/>

This works.

Nearly identical code in my app where the top-most
level is a tiles result. The Tiles layout <head.../>
tag contains the <s:head theme="ajax"/> element, as do
the plain old JSP results from the Ajax actions.

Is there anything I need to know about Tiles vs.
<s:url.../>? The URL being reported by Firebug is,
more or less, like this:



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