I have a situation where an attempt could be made to enter a description for
an item that already exists in the database.  I am using Hibernate and
suspect the easiest way to prevent this is to use HQL prior to my save.
Beyond this, how do I get an S2 action class to display a message on the web
page?  My action extends ActionSupport so I see a few methods here that look


However, I can't tell what I need to add to these Collections as in one case
it wants the name of the field in error.  This too is unknown since the name
I give a screen field is not what the name ultimately becomes once
rendered.  It appears the S2 tag expands the name of the field.  I also see
a ValidationAware interface that can be implemented.

I would be happy to read about the technique if someone could point me in
the right direction.  I cannot seem to find anything on the S2 site when I
need it.  Is there a search facility somewhere?  I would probably post far
fewer questions if the available docs were search-able.  Also, is there a
way to search through the messages from this forum?  I am starting to wonder
how many of us have personal collections of email messages storing up so we
can get back to that useful tip someone shared three weeks ago Tuesday!
Does this not work like a NewsGroup?


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