The simple days of just dropping my values onto the response stream seem to be very much over.
   // Back in the Day... (Struts 1)
   response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "filename=\"Testing.csv\"");
   Iterator iter = beanQuery.getListRP().iterator();
   // This returns 5 elements
   while (iter.hasNext())
// the following is static garbage until the db connection is worked out later
   out.println("Data 1" + "," +
                   "Data 2" + "," +
                   "Data 3" + "," +
                   "Data 4");

I attempted to play with the Stream Result but crashed and burned in a big way. I was digging in Stream Results, because of the following blurbs at the Struts 2 site:

   * Edit the Action so that it implements the ServletResponseAware
         o The ServletResponseAware interface expects a
           setServletResponse method. You may wish to include a
           companion getServletResponse method.
   * At runtime, call getServletResponse to obtain a reference to the
     response object.

Only implement ServletResponseAware as a last resort. A better approach to solving a use case involving the response may be with a custom Result Type <>.

David Durham-3 wrote:

Both of these tools use Apache POI <> as an
underlying Excel format  generator.  I wouldn't use Jasper as an Excel
generator, unless I were already using or intended to use Jasper as a
reporting engine.  Display tag is only applicable, in this case, if
you need tabular data within a JSP along with an option to export in
Excel format.

POI is fairly easy to use, I've found, but it does have some memory
related problems associated with very large excel files.


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