Yes i'm sure it's true.

So the struts related performance seems not too bad...

Il giorno 12/lug/07, alle ore 14:02, Al Sutton ha scritto:

Try using a some dummy beans for your MP3 test that return known data, that way you can get a good idea of the impact your database has on the response time. I suspect you'll find that your DB is causing a lot of the delay in
the short ramp up test.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ing. Andrea Vettori [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 July 2007 11:30
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts 2 performance

I've done some measurements with jmeter on my e-commerce site built on
struts2 and ejb3.

1 user (testing)
Home page,
average response time : 63 msec

MP3s list, path=AUDP
average response time : 360 msec

100 users, ramp-up 200 seconds (average load)
================================ Home page,
average response time : 72 msec

MP3s list, path=AUDP
average response time : 378 msec

100 users, ramp-up 10 seconds (high-load) ==============================

Home page,
average response time : 59 msec
throughput: 597 / minute

MP3s list, path=AUDP
average response time : 2,7 seconds
throughput: 261 / minute

The home page is moderately complex but it uses almost all cached data. The
MP3s list loads from the db about 270 product records and shows the
first 10.
Most views component are produced using jsp custom tags so OGNL is used
only on the back-end by struts itself and not by jsp pages.
The site is using the simple theme.

Any considerations on the numbers ?

Ing. Andrea Vettori
Consulente per l'Information Technology

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Ing. Andrea Vettori
Consulente per l'Information Technology

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