Nuwan Chandrasoma wrote:
Hi Frank,

First of all thanks for these tips.., we did the custom dojo build

For anyone reading, this is an especially important tip if your app is being access on a WAN or public Internet. Our app is a backoffice app, but we have a lot of people coming in over VPN to use it, and that's where we saw a large hit by not using the custom build option because Dojo is very chatty in terms of loading its resources otherwise.

> ... and
parseWidget tag setting also.

Also a big hitter. We had widget parsing turned off already, but before we did some months back you could definitely see the hit you take for that. Remember that Dojo gives you the ability to parse the entire DOM tree, or just specific portions of it, so if your using markup-based creation of widgets, I definitely suggest you look at targeting the widget parsing as much as possible.

> ...but we havent done the 2nd and 3rd tips
you have given here., i have a small doubt when it comes to moving static resource to the web server. will there be any problem when it comes to having http and https content together? i don't have much experience when it comes to web servers like apache

Interesting question, and I'm not sure... I'd suspect IE especially might be a problem because it's famous for the "do you wish to access this unsecured content from a secure location?" dialog, which I think you can't get rid of no matter what you do. I'm not sure here, might be worth some time to experiment and see what happens.




Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
and "JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects"
 (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
Java Web Parts -
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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