Is the $resources$ directory WEB-INF?

On Oct 6, 2007 8:51 AM, Jeromy Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought I'd share the instructions I prepared for creating a dojo
> 0.4.2 custom profile for Struts 2.0.9.  The objective is to bundle all
> the required dojo resources into dojo.js to avoid the numerous slow
> sequential requests for resources. This makes a massive performance
> improvement to the default ajax theme.
> Instructions for improving the performance of dojo 0.4.2 in Struts 2.0.9:
> $resources$ is assumed to be your web resources directory
> 1. First, configure struts to serve the static files directly from
> $resources$/struts instead of from within struts-core-2.0.9.jar:
>     a. extract struts2-core-2.0.9.jar/org/apache/struts2/static/* to
> $resources$/struts/
>     b. edit and set struts.serve.static=false
>     c. also extract the javascript and css files from
> struts2-core-2.0.9.jar/templates/* to $resources$/struts/ as this will
> be helpful later
>           eg. $resources$/struts/ajax/dojoRequire.js
> Confirm that your application still works before proceeding. It's
> essential that resources are loaded from the directory rather than the jar.
> 2. Download the source of dojo 0.4.2.  You won't need to modify it.  The
> download location doesn't matter.  We assume it's in release-0.4.2/
>    > svn export
> This is almost identical to the version bundled with struts2.0.9.
> 3. Use an editor to create a dojo custom profile as the file
> release-0.4.2/buildscripts/profiles/struts2.profile.js.  This file
> defines which dojo resources you use directly.  Essentially it specifies
> which code will be included in dojo.js.  An example that includes almost
> everything is provided at the end of this email.
> 4. Copy the struts widgets into the dojo directory so they can be
> included within dojo.js.  That is, copy $resources$/struts/dojo/struts/*
> to release-0.4.2/struts.
> This is the directory that contains the widget and widgets
> subdirectories, css and some images.
> 5. Build dojo using ant.  This will create a new dojo.js file:
>  > cd release-0.4.2/buildscripts
>  > ant -Dprofile=struts2 -Dstrip_and_compress=true clean release
> intern-strings strip-resource-comments
> (You may be asked to run it twice).
> Pay some attention to the build process.  In particular, note whether it
> finds the struts widgets and 'internalises' the related resources. If
> not, see Step 4.  You'll probably notice a lot of things are included
> that you don't need.  That will be helpful later for optimizations.
> Some errors will occur while stripping the comments but these are ok.
> 6. When the build process completes the release directory will contain
> all the files you need.  The content of the release directory can be
> copied over the top of $resources$/struts/dojo.  You'll notice it's
> almost exactly the same as the original, although dojo.js is probably
> larger.
> It's okay to delete the demo, test and release subfolders before copying
> to your application.  The src subfolder must be distributed with your
> application as it contains images used by dojo.
> 7. Clear your browser cache and test your application again.  You should
> note the larger dojo.js file being loaded and significantly fewer
> requests for resources by dojo   Hopefully it's also a lot faster.
> That's it.  Now you can go back and optimize the profile by removing
> resources you don't need.  There's examples in the profiles directory.
> Repeat the build/test process to find the right balance.
> I also recommend editing $resources$/struts/ajax/dojoRequire.js to
> remove the reference to the Editor2 if you don't use this as it's a
> very,very heavy-weight resource.
> Hope that helps someone else.  Improvements & comments welcome.  See
> reference [3] below for detailed instructions and rationale.
> regards,
>  Jeromy Evans
> Resources
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> The following profile includes almost everything in dojo.js.  It assumes
> the struts widgets have been copied into the directory as mentioned at
> step 4.
> struts2.profile.js:
> var dependencies = [
>    "dojo.lang.*",
>     "dojo.html.*",
>    "dojo.debug",
>     "dojo.html.display",
>     "dojo.html.layout",
>     "dojo.html.util",
>     "dojo.lfx.*",
>     "dojo.event.*",
>     "dojo.logging.*",
>     "*",
>     "",
>     "",
>     "dojo.string.*",
>     "dojo.regex",
>     "dojo.rpc.*",
>     "dojo.xml.*",
>     // "dojo.flash.*",
>     // "*",
>     "dojo.undo.*",
>     "dojo.crypto.*",
>     //"dojo.collections.*",
>     "dojo.collections.ArrayList",
>     "dojo.collections.Collections",
>     "dojo.collections.Queue",
>     "dojo.collections.Stack",
>     "dojo.dnd.*",
>     "dojo.widget.*",
>    "dojo.widget.TabContainer",
>    "dojo.widget.PageContainer",
>    "dojo.widget.LinkPane",
>    //"dojo.widget.Editor2",
>    //"dojo.widget.RichText",
>    //"dojo.widget.Editor2Toolbar",
>    //"dojo.widget.ColorPalette",
>     "dojo.math.*",
>     //"dojo.reflect.*",
>     "dojo.uri.*",
>    "struts.widget.Bind",
>    "struts.widget.Bind",
>    "struts.widget.BindDiv",
>    "struts.widget.BindAnchor",
>    "struts.widget.ComboBox",
>    "struts.widget.StrutsTimePicker",
>    "struts.widget.StrutsTimePicker"
> ];
> dependencies.prefixes = [
>    ["struts", "struts"]
> ];
> load("getDependencyList.js");
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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