You can use any client-side library you choose with Struts2. There's no reason why you should encounter incompatibilities provided the library can handle html, xml or json responses from your actions.

I used Dojo 0.4 a lot but have completely moved over to YUI now. My main frustration with Dojo was the sparsity of documentation and the developer's focus on 0.9+. It's a sophisticated framework though and version 1.0 shouldn't be automatically discounted. I haven't used 1.0 but Dijit seems to have nice widgets.

The benefits of YUI are:
 - it's a simple and elegant design
 - it's obsessively well documented
- it's designed for software developers (ie. well-designed, pattern-focused, object-oriented javascript)
 - it's growing in functionality and users at a phenomenal rate
 - it's degrades gracefully for bad browsers
 - there's good extensions available for it

The weaknesses of YUI are :
 - it doesn't include all the glossy widgets available in other libraries
- many web developers don't understand well-designed, pattern-focused, object-oriented software and don't want to - many web applications don't need a framework like this on the client-side anyway (eg. if you just want animation & effects)

ExtFS is built upon YUI and adds some nice functionality and widgets. Check the license though. DED|Chain is built upon YUI to add JQuery-like APIs more familiar to web developers/designers. Check out Dunstin's Javascript tetris: to see the potential.
The Bubbling Library adds an alternative event mechanism and widgets to YUI

It really depends on what kind of application you're building and the kind of developers working on the client-side.

If you're reluctant to learn javascript *correctly* some impressive Rich Internet Applications have also been built with Google Web Toolkit (GWT). It's very easy to get started and the GWT plugin for Struts2 simplifies integration with this framework. The Texas Hold'em Poker example shows the strength of translating java to javascript:

Hope that's helpful,
Jeromy Evans

tzhang wrote:
I am doing some research ajax+struts2. you know struts2.0 has the built-in
supprot for ajax based on Dojo, but I found the components is not very rich,
only have some basic function. I know there are a lot of ajax components for
JSF. So what did you do for struts2, develop your costom widgets or use the
third party ajax library? If you use the third party ajax libray? Could you
tell me which library is better? And give me some comments about how to
integrate with struts2?


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