--- paulbrickell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it appears that sx:head creates links for various resources...
> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"
> src="/application/struts/ajax/dojoRequire.js"></script>
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/application/struts/xhtml/styles.css"
> type="text/css"/>
> <script language="JavaScript" src="/application/struts/utils.js"
> type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script language="JavaScript" src="/application/struts/xhtml/validation.js"
> type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script language="JavaScript"
> src="/application/struts/css_xhtml/validation.js"
> type="text/javascript"></script>
> None of which exists in my application. So I am guessing (never a good
> idea) that I need to compose these bits from the distro.

These are all in the struts-core JAR file, served statically via S2.

> You are right these components do exists in the libraries. Am I right in
> thinking I need to copy these into my web application in the structure
> required by the links in the head template?

Nope; they should be included automagically. See below.

> Also I get various javascript errors...
> 1. Could not load 'dojo.io.BrowserIO'; last tried './io/BrowserIO.js'
> 2. dojo.hostenv has no properties
> 3. djConfig.searchIds has no properties
> These I suspect are related to the version of dojo I am using (1.0.2 which
> is the latest release). The path io.BrowserIO.js for example just doesn't
> exists.

That's probably going to be an issue; the S2 Dojo plugin is using 0.4.mumble,
which is included in the plugin JAR itself. Using a different Dojo version is
probably a Bad Idea, although I haven't actually tried to know what any
potential issues would be.

If you're set on using S2.1 and its Dojo plugin I'd really recommend just
getting the complete source via Subversion and build via Maven rather than
trying to put all the pieces together manually.

All the JavaScript is included in either the S2 core JAR or the Dojo plugin
JAR; mixing Dojo versions is probably bad.


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