Anshu Dhamija wrote:
   i am new to struts 2.i am facing problem in performing validation through
actually i want to display message at the top of my form instaed of at field
can anyone please help me


In struts2 there is a provision for handling the error messages by field and action level.

If the message u want to display is not related to any particular field, then u can use *<s:actionerrors />* tag at the top of ur page.

If the validation message is particular to a field, u can use *<s:fielderrors />* tag at the top of the page. This will displays all the field validation errors. To display validation errors specific to a field, use *<s:fielderrors /> tag with <s:param>*, like below


Like this u can place individual field errors in ur custom layout in ur way, using tables, divs or something else.

When you explore the validation framework, what u see is more types of validation, which includes field validatiors & non-field validators.

Field validators are specific to a field, and thus adds a field error.
Non-field validators are NOT specific to any single field and thus the error message will be added as action level error (action error).

U can get more info regarding validations from Struts2 documentation.

Feel free to ask if u've need any clarification.

ManiKanta G

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