
Even I've this problem... Here is my requirement....

I've 3 fields. On successful validation of 1st field ONLY the 2nd field should be validated, and only with the successful validation of second, then only the 3rd field should be validated against some validation.

I did this by using field validator of type expression, like below...

       <field name="returnTo">
           <field-validator type="requiredstring" >
               <message>Select 'Return to'</message>

       <field name="sourceId">
           <field-validator type="fieldexpression">
               <param name="expression">
                   <![CDATA[((returnTo == null) ||
                             ((sourceId != null) && (sourceId != "--
   Select --")))]]></param>
               <message>Select company/dealer name</message>
</field-validator> </field>

       <field name="drug">
           <field-validator type="fieldexpression">
               <param name="expression">
                   <![CDATA[(((returnTo == null) || ((sourceId == null)
   || (sourceId == "-- Select --"))) ||
                             ((drugsList.size <= 0) || ((drug != null)
   && (drug != "-- Select --"))))]]></param>
               <message>Select drug</message>


With this, the second case working as it supposed. The second field will be validated ONLY when the first field is not empty (as in the second field expression, I m using */returnTo == null/* with short-circuit OR, and then the actual validation logic of second field).

But the validation logic of the third field (select box) is not working as is supposed to. When I print the expression value using *<s:property value="expression_of_the_third_field_....."/>*, it is printing false, but the validation is being bypassed.

I've tried many ways. But non of 'em worked for me. Is any one got success with this type of validations.

I can implement custom validation using validate(), but I've around 30 transactional forms with this type of requirements.

Am I doing any this wrong? Can anybody please guide me with this...


Dave Newton wrote:
You either do conditional validations, implement custom validators, or as 
Lukasz suggested write your own validate() method. When validation is very 
complex the last may be the best options.


--- On Wed, 6/25/08, Istvan Kozma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How the validation should be done for fields which are only
displayed in certain conditions? If  I do this through the
XML file the validation is done all the time even when the
field is not visible.

----- Original Message ----
From: Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 3:37:38 PM
Subject: Re: validation problem

Whoops, as the other reply said, it's the
<s:fielderror...> tag [1], not <s:actionerror>.


[1] http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/fielderror.html

--- On Wed, 6/25/08, Dave Newton
--- On Wed, 6/25/08, Anshu Dhamija wrote:
i am facing problem in performing validation
xml actually i want to display message at the top
my form instaed of at field level can anyone please help me
The validation messages are placed in the form by the
form element tags. If you want to modify the output of
those tags you can modify or create a theme [1].

Using the "simple" theme will also remove
validation messages, but you'll lose other useful
functionality--but that might not be an issue
depending on
your usecase.

The <s:actionerror...> tag [2] will render any
messages. A combination of either the simple theme or
modified theme plus the action error tag may do what



[2] http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/actionerror.html
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