2008/9/6 Jeromy Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Lyallex wrote:
>> I'm starting to feel that way about Struts2,
> So, I guess you didn't notice the url tag has includeContext (default true)
> and includeParams (default false) attributes.

Er well actually Jeromy according to
the default value for url tag includeParams  is 'get' which I presume
means that all params on a GET the request are included but not those
from a form POST ... If the default was false (or none to be
syntatically correct) then that would make more sense to me. This may
have changed in earlier or later versions. Frankly I don't have time
to spend all day reading about different versions of Struts2 when I
have paying work to do. This is the behavior I witnessed however,
default = get

> Is this because:
> a. your IDE didn't suggest them?
> b. there's too many attributes so they were lost in the noise?
> c. the documention for the tag was inadequate? d. the default behaviour is
> not the most frequently needed behaviour (in your case)
> e. other

It's because I don't expect tags to do anything other that what I tell
them to do ... simple really.

> I've been through the same growing pains myself.  Mostly it was b, c or d.
> But then, often I forget how painful it was to not use struts2.

Really, I long for the days of Servlets and custom tags and all that
other cool stuff I used to get lost in ... then it was 5:00 pm (or
later) and time to go home. Now I sit here struggling with someone
else's idea of what I need.

> As for the list of Integers,


Well actually some of the Struts2 stuff is quite nice, the auto
conversion stuff is good, that saves time and some other bits are
nice. I like the <s:property> thing and the ValueStack is good (most
of the time). I fact I have implemented my own version of <s:property>
to get properties from (possibly unavailable) role type plugins and it
makes the jsp code so much cleaner.

Anyway, I'm a bit wiser now. Instead of assuming I need to tell the
tags what I want them to do I now assume I have to tell them what I
don't want them to do ...which is a bit of a paradigm shift really.


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