
it's just an ace (?), but shouldn't you omit the *.action file extension in the action-attribute. Struts2 will fill in the extension configured in your struts.properties automatically.
Try something like this:
<s:form name="theForm" action="/my/package/myAction_showPage1">

Perhaps, that helps. (Can't test it now)


Robert Graf-Waczenski schrieb:
Hi all,

i'm using S2 since a while now (started with 2.0 betas and using 2.1.6 GA currently) and one of the issues that i'm still having is that even though my struts.xml is configured properly (meaning that all the intended action methods are called as i want them to be called), i'm still seeing this here on the console for each action invocation:

WARNING: No configuration found for the specified action: ....[details follow]

Here's what my struts.xml looks like (downstripped, of course):

<package namespace="/my/package" name="my.package" extends="struts-default"> <action name="myAction_*" class="my.package.MyAction" method="{1}">
           <result name="showPage1_Success">/JSP/myPage1.jsp</result>

A typical <s:form> tag would look so here:

<s:form name="theForm" action="/my/package/myAction_showPage1.action">

With this, i get this here on the java console:

WARNING: No configuration found for the specified action: '/my/package/myAction_showPage1.action' in namespace: '/my/package'. Form action defaulting to 'action' attribute's literal value.

[Using the wildcard mapping as shown above (which is, btw, a cool feature of S2 yielding fewer action classes that can be bound semantically to the type of object they work with and not to the button/link a user is clicking) is a rather recent change in my struts.xml, i have received the same warnings without wildcard mapping.]

I would like to get rid of these warnings. I remember vaguely that someone suggested to configure some logging property somewhere (a pointer on how to do this would be appreciated, of course) but i would rather prefer to configure my actions in such a way that the warning is not even triggered.

Any suggestions?


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