Hi Paweł,

thanks for pointing this out. This was actually left over from my experiments with early betas of S2 (and with myself getting acquainted with it), i added it because i was under the delusion that i would be able to plainly redirect to a JSP and was hoping to somehow gain access to the action's properties. Now i know better and always redirect to action urls which then dispatch back to the JSP which then can access the action properties. You are right, this additional filter-mapping is indeed not needed anymore and has now been removed.

Have lots of fun,


Paweł Wielgus wrote:
just as a side note, consider index.jsp in S1 and S2 root,
then which app will process it?
If i were You i would remove *.jsp from filter and leave only *.action
It would eventualy lead to no direct jsp access - which is ok i guess.

Best greetings,
Paweł Wielgus.

2009/1/15 Robert Graf-Waczenski <r...@lsoft.com>:
Hi Paweł,

yes, that did the trick! Using namespace="/my/package"
action="myAction_showPage1.action" does not trigger the warning anymore.

[About my filter mapping: This is needed because i'm working on the first
small actions and pages with Struts2 in a huge application which is
otherwise using Struts1, so the mapping must specifically avoid "*.do",
which is reserved for Struts1.]

Thanks again for your help,


Paweł Wielgus wrote:
i'm not a pro user in this matter but when i configured my last app with:

without modifying struts.action.extension key in struts.properties it
works as expected (no extension maps to an action, also *.action is

So the question is do You really need *.jsp and *.action in filter?
and then if Yes, try to write:

<s:form name="theForm" action="myAction_showPage1.action"

in your jsp, because the Warning You are seeing complains about no
action A in namespace B.

Best greetings,
Paweł Wielgus.

2009/1/15 Robert Graf-Waczenski <r...@lsoft.com>:

Yes, that's what the documentation says but in my setup here it simply
not work. If i write the s:form tag as you suggest, then the form action
property has the value "/context/my/package/myAction_showPage1", i.e.
the ".action" extension and so, when the form is submitted, i get a 404

FWIW, here's the struts2-related snippet from my web.xml:





Paweł Wielgus wrote:

Hi Robert,
shouldn't it be:
<s:form name="theForm" action="myAction_showPage1"

Best greetings,
Paweł Wielgus.

2009/1/15 Robert Graf-Waczenski <r...@lsoft.com>:

Hi all,

i'm using S2 since a while now (started with 2.0 betas and using 2.1.6
currently) and one of the issues that i'm still having is that even
my struts.xml is configured properly (meaning that all the intended
methods are called as i want them to be called), i'm still seeing this
on the console for each action invocation:

WARNING: No configuration found for the specified action: ....[details

Here's what my struts.xml looks like (downstripped, of course):

 <package namespace="/my/package" name="my.package"
    <action name="myAction_*" class="my.package.MyAction" method="{1}">
        <result name="showPage1_Success">/JSP/myPage1.jsp</result>

A typical <s:form> tag would look so here:

<s:form name="theForm" action="/my/package/myAction_showPage1.action">

With this, i get this here on the java console:

WARNING: No configuration found for the specified action:
'/my/package/myAction_showPage1.action' in namespace: '/my/package'.
action defaulting to 'action' attribute's literal value.

[Using the wildcard mapping as shown above (which is, btw, a cool
S2 yielding fewer action classes that can be bound semantically to the
of object they work with and not to the button/link a user is clicking)
is a
rather recent change in my struts.xml, i have received the same
without wildcard mapping.]

I would like to get rid of these warnings. I remember vaguely that
suggested to configure some logging property somewhere (a pointer on
do this would be appreciated, of course) but i would rather prefer to
configure my actions in such a way that the warning is not even

Any suggestions?


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