Thanks Dave --

I am looking for a "seed" POM like the one you describe.  Does it contain
gray poupon by chance?


On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Dave Newton <> wrote:

> stanlick wrote:
>> I am SO DONE with mucking around in dependencies that I am about to
>> scream! Until recently, I thought "real developers" were in control of jars
>> and the
>> classpath, but as another year passes me by, I'm starting to rethink this
>> whole deal.  I installed the Maven 2 plug-in for Eclipse this morning and
>> should begin by telling you that beyond appreciating the idea of Maven, I
>> don't understand it intimately well!  Create new Maven Project is
>> prompting
>> me for bits and pieces I don't fully understand.  Moreover, I'm only
>> guessing that is the place I should specify to
>> have
>> my dependencies resolved in building a Struts-2/Tiles-2/Spring-2 web
>> project.  I have been reading about the archetypes and this must be a
>> fancy
>> name for "what kind of sandwich do you want."  Can someone please tell me
>> how to decode these prompts so I can get about the business of writing
>> code? I realize some of the inputs are my web-app name, but several others
>> must be
>> version and contents values.
>> P.S. Cloning my last know Struts 2 sandwich and making the necessary build
>> path tweaks for a bump to 2.1.6 no longer passes the tummy test.
> You shouldn't need to define a repository under normal circumstances; at
> least I haven't had to. AFAICT 2.1.6 has been seeded, although I'd have to
> purge my local repo to be sure to avoid getting a local install.
> I'm about to check in a new struts2-blank archetype and update the wiki
> (probably this afternoon) but if you use the normal Maven project structure
> and use reasonable version numbers in your dependencies as someone else
> pointed out it'll work fine without generating an archetype.
> Dave
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