In my already existing S1 i had aplication-context.xml and for S2 I am using
another applicationContext.xml...would this be causing the problem? Also the
server log always says:

10:17:01,963 INFO  [XmlConfigurationProvider] Parsing configuration file
10:17:02,197 INFO  [XmlConfigurationProvider] Parsing configuration file
0:17:02,229 INFO  [XmlConfigurationProvider] Unable to locate configuration
files of the name struts.xml, skipping0:17:02,229 INFO 
[XmlConfigurationProvider] Parsing configuration file [struts.xml]
0:17:02,229 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (spring) for class
0:17:02,229 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for class
0:17:02,229 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.TextProvider
0:17:02,229 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionProxyFactory
0:17:02,229 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.ObjectTypeDeterminer
0:17:02,244 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper
0:17:02,244 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (jakarta) for
interface org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.multipart.MultiPartRequest
0:17:02,244 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for class
0:17:02,244 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface org.apache.struts2.components.UrlRenderer
0:17:02,244 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.ActionValidatorManager
0:17:02,260 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ValueStackFactory
0:17:02,260 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.reflection.ReflectionProvider
0:17:02,260 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.reflection.ReflectionContextFactory
0:17:02,260 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.PatternMatcher
0:17:02,276 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.StaticContentLoader
0:17:02,276 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Choosing bean (struts) for
interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.UnknownHandlerManager
0:17:02,432 INFO  [StrutsSpringObjectFactory] Initializing Struts-Spring
0:17:02,432 INFO  [SpringObjectFactory] Setting autowire strategy to name
0:17:02,432 INFO  [StrutsSpringObjectFactory] ... initialized Struts-Spring
integration successfully

newton.dave wrote:
> SanJ.SANJAY wrote:
>> I am planning to redo the struts 2 integration with S1 as it is so
>> confusiong
>> and frustrating. So this time I do not want to copy blindly all the jars
>> from distribution of S2 to my S1 WEB-INF/lib. Can anyone suggest which
>> all
>> jars are needed to copyy to S1 lib? There is struts2-core and what else??
> OGNL, XWork, commons-io, commons-fileupload, FreeMarker at least. Maybe 
> commons-logging, I can never remember.
> If you copied *all* the libraries from the distro then you had a large 
> number of plugins that would fail on startup, which would have been 
> indicated in the log files, particularly if logging was turned up.
> Dave
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