Hi All,

I would like to say sorry if u think this question is out of list, but since
my problem also have relation with struts2 so i thought to give a try here
and hope to get some positive replies.

We are planning so strat a new project and yes Struts will be the building
block for this. I have been assigned the task for the Application Design and
later to lead the development team.From the last so many years, i am only
invloved in develpoment whatever i have been asked to develop i just
followed that.

Now i have to first design the Application than have to lead the development
process,i know most of the people here are invloved in designing process so
my question from all of you are how can i start this process and i am
clueless at the moment.the basic question are

1. Where to start
2 How to design Application i.e what needs to be taken care of, any tools
that can help in designing or any other important points
3 How To redirect from Designing to Development (What should be taken care
when we start Develpoment Process)

I can explore furthure if i get some starting point so any help in this
regard will be much appriciated

Thanks in advance

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