Thanks Pawel for quick reply regarding the application how it will look like
i have some information about it and yes i am a bit known about the
different layers but my main point is that i worked on them level by level i
am not aware about the whole designing process that is my main point

2009/6/12 Paweł Wielgus <>

> Hi Shekher,
> i'm no expert in this subject but,
> You might read something abut RUP (rational unified process),
> then read abut Agile and XP and SCRUM - it's not strictly about design
> but it will give some light about the whole process.
> In the mean time try to imagine how this app will look like,
> and how You can present it to others - there are many tools for that,
> and most likely You will use more than one.
> You can take a look at Rails framework,
> and how are common problems solved there.
> Think about such things as:
> - presentation layer (You have stated it will be struts)(maybe do some
> wireframes)
> - persistence
> - bussiness logic
> - comunication with outside world - maybe?
> - environement to run it
> This is very wide subject, but in the end it's all about a common sense.
> Best greetings,
> Paweł Wielgus.
> 2009/6/12 shekher awasthi <>:
>  > Hi All,
> >
> > I would like to say sorry if u think this question is out of list, but
> since
> > my problem also have relation with struts2 so i thought to give a try
> here
> > and hope to get some positive replies.
> >
> > We are planning so strat a new project and yes Struts will be the
> building
> > block for this. I have been assigned the task for the Application Design
> and
> > later to lead the development team.From the last so many years, i am only
> > invloved in develpoment whatever i have been asked to develop i just
> > followed that.
> >
> > Now i have to first design the Application than have to lead the
> development
> > process,i know most of the people here are invloved in designing process
> so
> > my question from all of you are how can i start this process and i am
> > clueless at the moment.the basic question are
> >
> > 1. Where to start
> > 2 How to design Application i.e what needs to be taken care of, any tools
> > that can help in designing or any other important points
> > 3 How To redirect from Designing to Development (What should be taken
> care
> > when we start Develpoment Process)
> >
> > I can explore furthure if i get some starting point so any help in this
> > regard will be much appriciated
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > shekher
> >
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