
I am trying to use the following simple interceptor test the interceptor
concepts but is not happened while calling the action class.

Sample interceptor class.

*import* *com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext*;

*import* com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation;

*import* com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.AbstractInterceptor;

*public* *class* *InterceptorSample* *extends* AbstractInterceptor {


      *public* String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) *throws*Exception {

            // *TODO* Auto-generated method stub

            System.*out*.println("Testing the interceptor  : calling the
interceptor sample");

            *return* "success";



I configured in the struts.xml for my action class using  below config.

<package name=*"test"* namespace=*"/test"* extends=*"struts-default"*>

*  <interceptors>*

*            <interceptor name="sample" class="sample.**InterceptorSample* *

*  </interceptors>*

        <action name=*"test"* class=*"test.QuizAction"*>

            <interceptor-ref name=*"sample"*/>

                  <result name=*"success"*>/input.*jsp*</result>

                  <result name=*"error"*>/input.*jsp*</result>

                  <result name=*"input"*>/input.*jsp*</result>



I noted nothing printed and anyone can help to resolve the issue.



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