Please refer the section 

Defining Validation Rules in the below mention link.


Siddiq Syed wrote:
> From: gaurav nigam <>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <>
> Sent: Sat, November 7, 2009 1:21:41 PM
> Subject: Re: query regarding Input Validation
> Hi Saddiq,
> -- siddiq
> Thanks for your help....
> I am not able to understand meaning of below line
> You can achive this by creating an separate file for each method
> you mean that i should create separate action class for each method
> or you mean to say separate validation file for each method of an
> action class...
> --- Separate validation file for each action name speicifed in the
> struts.xml , 
> By your suggestion, I need to create multiple action mappings in
> struts.xml for each of the method of the action class....
> Its not with the method of the actin class , its the action name what is
> been defined in the strust.xlml
> -- For example if you have an action class user
> public class UserAction extends action {
>      public String addUser(){
>         return success;
>     }
>     public String modifyUser(){
>         return success;
>     } 
> }
> struts.xml
> <action name="addUser"  class="UserAction" method="addUser">
>     <result name="success'>somejsp.jsp</result>
>     <result name="input">otherjsp.jsp</result>
> </action>
> <action name="modifyUser"  class="UserAction" method="modifyUser">
>     <result name="success'>somejsp.jsp</result>
>     <result name="input">otherjsp.jsp</result>
> </action>
> Validation files naming convection .
> UserAction-addUser-validation.xml -- when user click on adduser --this
> validation file is going to be invoked
> UserAction-modifyUser-validation.xml -- when user click on modifyuser --
> this validation file is going to be invoked.
> Note : this validation files need to be in the same package with action
> class.
> Can we avoid this multiple action mappings by wildcard characters.....?
> -- Yes we can avoid multiple action mapping. 
> Please suggest your opinion.....
> I am also waiting for some reply on Question 2 I have asked on earlier
> mail....
>  Question 2 ?
> Thanks
> Gaurav
> On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Siddiq Syed <> wrote:
>> You can achive this by creating an seprate file for each method and add
>> the validation.
>> When ever the a method from the action class is invoked the corresponding
>> validation will get invoked.
>> actionname-aliasname-validationname.xml
>> actinname -- name of your actin class.
>> aliasname -- name of the action specifed in the strust-xml file.
>> <action name="x" class="com.yaction" method="x">
>>      <result name="input" type="tiles">validationresult.jsp</result>
>> </action>
>> name of the validation file for the above mention action will be
>> yaction-x-validation.xml -- where you can define the validation and will
>> be invoke when action x is invoked.
>>  -Siddiq.
>> ________________________________
>> From: gaurav nigam <>
>> To: Struts Users Mailing List <>
>> Sent: Sat, November 7, 2009 12:14:32 PM
>> Subject: query regarding Input Validation
>> Hi All,
>> I have a query regarding input validation.
>> # Can we use method wise input validation in struts 2 ?
>> if this is not supported directly, then is there any workaround for the
>> same.
>> #To utilise the xml based validation, I have to create different
>> action class for same module is "user" and i had to
>> create different action classes like adduser.action, modifyuser.action
>> class etc...i have to do this as there are some fields which are
>> different in each action....ideally i want to have single action class
>> with different methods like add, modify, etc... to handle this..but
>> can not do it so as same set of validation will be called for each
>> method...which is not required in my case...
>> After some search and study, i came to know that there is annotation
>> validation which can be used and will be invoked per
>> mentioned in this link
>> but here, in need to hard code, my messages which i really want to
>> avoid it, Is there any way to use property file here...please provide
>> suggestion on this.....
>> I have also learned that this annotation validation will not work for
>> client side validation. Is there any work around for this....
>> Kindly help me in this regard
>> Thanks
>> Gaurav
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