You could write your own value stack that extends the OGNLValueStack
and just hacks the property name to make it the right/wrong case, but
oh boy does that scream trouble :)


On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Bill Bohnenberger <> wrote:
> What an amusing thread. It seems to me the only problem here is the arrogant
> SOB that decided to defy the Bean naming conventions. LOL. (No offense
> intended if he is present company :)
> With affection,
> Bill
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Robert Graf-Waczenski <>wrote:
>> Rafał Krupiński schrieb:
>>  On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Robert Graf-Waczenski <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> approach, which is tedious work because
>>> [...]
>>>> i have to go through each applicable class and
>>>> refactor-rename each method.
>>> Please don't try to make us feel guilty :-)
>>> You'll get paid for this, we're not.
>>> In previous post I stated clearly: "If the only problem is the number
>>> of methods to be changed"
>>> not "If you can change only some classes".
>> Well, yes, i am getting paid for this. So the time that i need to rename
>> the methods costs my employer big money.
>> This is a case of true backwards incompatibility and causes trouble in
>> non-trivial projects such as ours. Other projects may decide to not upgrade
>> from earlier Struts versions to V, which is something i would
>> definitely take serious if i were working without getting paid, because
>> having your stuff used by as many people out there as possible is a major
>> point of FOSS, right? Freedom of choice is the other, meaning that we could
>> of course stick with V2.1.6 and patch it to our liking. I personally voted
>> against the latter option and decided to go for the renaming option because
>> we need some other fixes that are available in 2.1.8. And, to tell the
>> truth, our choice to use "getmProperty()" as accessor method naming pattern
>> was a bad one originally but we lived with it since the beginning and are
>> now being bitten in the behind :-)
>> Robert
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