Em 28-02-2010 23:26, Frederik Minatchy escreveu:

Since a few days I am working with Struts 2. (2.1.6)
I am facing a big problem with HttpRequest and JSPs.

Well... I have to forward a HTTPRequest from page1.jsp to page2.jsp

So... How can I pass HTTPRequest attribute betwen 2 pages?

Here is a part my web.xml file :


the struts.xml file :


<action name="bnf-detail" 

                <action name="bnf-detail_modification" 
class="fr.bnf.platon.bnf.actions.ConsultationBnfDetailAction" method="modificationSubmit">

and a part of the action java file (which implementents RequestAware):

   public String execute() throws Exception
       request.put("test", 58);
       return SUCCESS;

    public String modificationSubmit() throws TechniqueException, 
       request.get("test"); // is null
       editMode = true;
       return SUCCESS;

So... How can I pass the request attribute from on page to an other?

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I think you should be able to redirect with something like this: http://struts.apache.org/2.0.14/docs/redirect-action-result.html

use return type redirect-action, work at request level redirecting requests, no jsps. I think request params are retained this way.

Alex Lopez

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