Do you need to insert a breaking string every 3 items?
I think this approach is too much expansive in term of time.
Furthermore, after that, you should deal with subcassing process.
You should have valid reasons for do that.
Why don't you simply use mod operator?:

<s:iterator status="stat" value="{1,2,3,4,5}" >
   <s:if test="(#stat.index % 3)==0">
      insert breaking string

Maurizio Cucchiara

2010/10/9 Burton Rhodes <>:
> I am trying to override a struts tag template (specifically
> <s:checkboxlist>), and I can't figure out how to add a parameter to
> the tag.  I have successfully overridden the template by copying
> "checkboxlist.tld" to my template/simple directory and all works well.
>  Now I would like to add a parameter.  It appears that I need to
> override the the META-INF/struts-tags.tld file because I keep getting
> the error below.  However, using the same method as checkboxlist.tld,
> I copy a modified version of struts-tags.tld to my
> META-INF/struts-tags.tld directory.  However, I still get the same
> error below.  Not sure if I need to modify another file or if
> struts-tags.tld cannot be "overridden".  Anyone given this a try?
> Trying not to have to create a new custom tag since all I want is a
> simple modification to checkboxlist.tld.
> ------------ERROR--------------------
> /contact/contactCreate.jsp(286,6) PWC6131: Attribute breakCount
> invalid for tag checkboxlist according to TLD
> Caused by:
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /contact/contactCreate.jsp(286,6)
> PWC6131: Attribute breakCount invalid for tag checkboxlist according
> to TLD
> -------------------------------------------
> Tag with added parameter (breakCount):
> <s:checkboxlist
>        name="ownerIds"
>        list="%{activeAppUserList}"
>        listKey="appUserId"
>        listValue="nameInformal"
>        required="true"
>        breakCount="3"           <!-- New Parameter, will enter the
> breakString after every 3 items -->
>        breakString="<br/>"
> />
> Excerpt from modified "struts-tags.tld":
>  ....
>  <tag>
>    <description><![CDATA[Render a list of checkboxes]]></description>
>    <name>checkboxlist</name>
>    <tag-class>org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.CheckboxListTag</tag-class>
>    <body-content>JSP</body-content>
>    <attribute>
>      <description><![CDATA[Set the html accesskey attribute on
> rendered html element]]></description>
>      <name>accesskey</name>
>      <required>false</required>
>      <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
>    </attribute>
>    <attribute>
>      <description><![CDATA[Number of elements to display before
> inserting 'break' element.]]></description>
>      <name>breakCount</name>
>      <required>false</required>
>      <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
>    </attribute>
>    <attribute>
>      <description><![CDATA[Used to override the default 'break'
> string. Default is <br>.]]></description>
>      <name>breakString</name>
>      <required>false</required>
>      <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
>    </attribute>
>   ....
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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