Maybe this is related (although old):


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik
<> wrote:
> I believe it is up to the container how the event -> render transition
> is implemented. I don't think there's any guarantee that it's actualy
> a redirect. If you have several portlets on the page, you could check
> that the transition is ok by clicking on a an action/link in a
> different portlet, and see that only the render phase is executed in
> your struts2 portlet.
> Nils-H
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Alberto Gallardo <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Have you looked at the portlet sample app? It has a few portlet PRG
>>> examples. Try deploying it in Liferay and see if it works as expected.
>> I guess you mean the portlet sample in
>> Yes, I tried it and tried to debug the portlet and struts2 code; but
>> after a few hours I gave up: As I already mentioned, the PRG works
>> using the
>>   PortletActionContext.getActionResponse().sendRedirect()
>> method call inside an Action.execute.
>> In any case, thanks for your answer.
>> Alberto
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