Arun, it looks like you are missing timeout setting in  <processCasErrors ...>.
It looks like you are never timing out waiting for a reply from the remote.


On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 1:35 AM, Arun Tewatia <>wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have been trying to configure node failure recovery for my uima-as
> cluster.
> Following are my error configuration for one remote delegate
> <delegates>
> <remoteAnalysisEngine key="XY" >
> <inputQueue endpoint="XYQueue" brokerURL="${defaultBrokerURL}"/>
> <asyncAggregateErrorConfiguration>
> <getMetadataErrors maxRetries="2" timeout="100000" errorAction="disable"/>
> <processCasErrors maxRetries="5" continueOnRetryFailure="true"
> thresholdCount="100"
> thresholdWindow="1000" thresholdAction="terminate"/>
> </asyncAggregateErrorConfiguration>
> <remoteAnalysisEngine>
> </delegates>
> As I understand from uima-as documentation, if maxRetries>0 &
> continueOnRetryFailure="true" CAS is saved before sending to remote
> delegate. But when my node fails the documents sent to the failing node are
> missed out, they are not processed. They are not resent for processing to
> another node running the same remote analysis engine XY.
> Am I missing something ?
> Cheers
> Arun Tewatia

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