Thilo Goetz <twgoetz@...> writes:

> On 26/04/12 18:10, Marshall Schor wrote:
> > Thanks Thilo.
> > 
> > Could you unzip the pear with an unzipper, and do the change to fix the
> > file path and then zip it back up again?  That way the variable
> > replacement stuff wouldn't run.
> > 
> > -Marshall
> > 
> Yes but you need the original pear to do that.  If somebody
> installed the pear, made modifications and then just zipped
> it up, it wouldn't work.  On the other hand, a pear that was
> just unzipped, not installed, will not run.  It was my
> understanding that the original poster did not in fact have
> the original pear file.
> So what you do, and I suspect that is what Jens also does,
> is install the pear, run it, make modifications, and then
> migrate your changes from the installed pear into the zip
> file.  That works, but it's not exactly a smooth process.
> --Thilo

I do have the original pear file. Would it work to do the following steps:
1. Change the pear file extension from .pear to .zip.
2. Unzip the archive.
3. Change the pathnames in the file from absolute to the correct relative 
4. Rezip the unzipped directory structure.
5. Change the extension back to .pear.

If that works, then I can easily do it. I didn't realize that .pear files used 
compression that is compatible with that used for .zip files.

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