On 5/3/07, dr.jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  <camelContext id="camel"
    <endpoint id="endpoint1" uri="mock:endpoint1"/>

This looks good, but how do I use it?

I've tried things like:

<from uri="endpoint1"/> and <from uri="#endpoint1"/> and <from
endpoint="endpoint1"/> and <from endpoint="#endpoint1/>, but all of them
fail, mostly for different reasons (eg. #endpoint1 is not an NMTOKEN).

Surely it's obvious, but I'm missing it?

Ah I'd not done that bit yet :) I'd done it so that you can refer to
Endpoint instances as bean references inside a spring <property
name="foo" ref="someName"/>.

I've just implemented this so that now the <from> and <to> can be used
with the references

<from uri="theURI"/> or <from ref="theReference"/>

I've added a test case to show it in action...


Along the way I also removed the unnecesary <routes> element, so a
context can look like

 <endpoint ... />
 <endpoint ... />

 <route ... />
 <route ... />

So you'll wanna so an 'svn up' of all of camel and try the new xsd etc.


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