I don't think I saw that option?  I assumed the timetolive would have that
effect?  I'll take another look at the settings, I may have overlooked that
one.  I hope so because I'm getting pretty desperate and I'm positive that
I've correctly tried all the other options correctly, which is why I'm so

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Bruce Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 8:25 PM, Ryan Moquin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > So I guess the issue is that this is a behavior of ActiveMQ by default.
> > Does the non-persistent deliveryMode work in activemq 4.1.1?  I'm stuck
> on
> > that version since that is what the latest Servicemix uses, but when I
> > attempt to set the jms:provider to use a deliverymode of "1", my producer
> > will still hang when the topic message enqueue count goes above 1100.
>  Are
> > there any other options for having these messages not hang around on the
> > topic?  I tried the TTL, but that setting does absolutely nothing as
> well.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> Yes, ActiveMQ holds pending messages (i.e., messages not yet delivered
> to a consumer) in memory by default until they're consumed. ActiveMQ
> 5.1 has various strategies for spooling them to disk, but these aren't
> available in 4.x. How about setting the expiration (JMSExpiration) on
> the messages so that the broker won't deliver them if they're expired?
> Bruce
> --
> perl -e 'print
> unpack("u30","D0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F)R=6-E+G-N>61E<D\!G;6%I;\"YC;VT*"
> );'
> Apache ActiveMQ - http://activemq.org/
> Apache Camel - http://activemq.org/camel/
> Apache ServiceMix - http://servicemix.org/
> Blog: http://bruceblog.org/

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