On 15 June 2010 07:54, astlm <monica.astudi...@tic.alten.es> wrote:
> I'm sorry but I did not understand how Resequencer work on, I have read in
> more detail how it works, and although not ideal, because only order a
> number of messages or messages received over a period time, It can be a
> solution.

Thats how priority queues work too. How else can you know how long or
how many messages to reorder?

> I think I have to define two queues, one for input and another oner for
> output.

Correct. It also lets you sort on much more fine grained things -
including expressions which extract values from your message payload
too if JMSPriority is not enough.

> Is only necesary to define on broker.xml the Resequencer?
> <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring";>
>  <route>
>    <from uri="input" />
>    <resequence>
>      <simple>body</simple>
>      <to uri="output" />
>      <batch-config batchSize="300" batchTimeout="4000"
> allowDuplicates=true reverse=true />
>    </resequence>
>  </route>
> </camelContext>
> With these configuration, The producer connect with input queue and the
> consumer with output queue.

You can put the above XML into any spring XML in any JVM really;
though feel free to use it in the broker's XML file.


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