On 15 June 2010 13:03, astlm <monica.astudi...@tic.alten.es> wrote:
> The first, thank you for the answer.
> James.Strachan wrote:
>> On 15 June 2010 07:54, astlm <monica.astudi...@tic.alten.es> wrote:
>>> I'm sorry but I did not understand how Resequencer work on, I have read
>>> in
>>> more detail how it works, and although not ideal, because only order a
>>> number of messages or messages received over a period time, It can be a
>>> solution.
>> Thats how priority queues work too. How else can you know how long or
>> how many messages to reorder?
>> You are right.
>> I was thought that every message recived to be placed in the correct
>> position according to their priority, instead of waiting for a number of
>> messages or to place, but I guess is that this is very hard and slow.
>>> I think I have to define two queues, one for input and another oner for
>>> output.
>> Correct. It also lets you sort on much more fine grained things -
>> including expressions which extract values from your message payload
>> too if JMSPriority is not enough.
>>> Is only necesary to define on broker.xml the Resequencer?
>>> <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring";>
>>>  <route>
>>>    <from uri="input" />
>>>    <resequence>
>>>      <simple>body</simple>
>>>      <to uri="output" />
>>>      <batch-config batchSize="300" batchTimeout="4000"
>>> allowDuplicates=true reverse=true />
>>>    </resequence>
>>>  </route>
>>> </camelContext>
>>> With these configuration, The producer connect with input queue and the
>>> consumer with output queue.
>> You can put the above XML into any spring XML in any JVM really;
>> though feel free to use it in the broker's XML file.
>> I use activemq 5.3.2 with camel 2.2.0, according to specification,
>> allowDuplicates and reverse are available from the camel 2.4.
>> http://camel.apache.org/resequencer.html
>> Any activemq version have camel 2.4?

Yes - you can use newer Camel releases with older ActiveMQ releases typically.

>> I tried download camel 2.4, but It´s not avalilable.
>> http://camel.apache.org/download.html

2.4 isn't released yet I'm afraid - 2.3 is the most recent release.
You can use 2.4-SNAPSHOT for now if you like.

>> I have a resequencer by JMSPriority, but It doesn`t get reverse orden and
>> It doesn´t allow duplicates.

To reverse order you could use an expression like "100 -
headers.JMSPriority" (it depends on which expression language you use
with Camel - that would certainly work using bean expressions,
javascript, XPath / XQuery, EL etc). Not 100% sure if simple language
supports subtraction though.

To remove duplicates you could use idempotent consumer before the
resequencer to filter out duplicates...

Though waiting for 2.4 might be easiest for you?


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