does jconsole show the same negative number? Do you have a test case?

On 1 September 2010 13:52, Colleen Velo <> wrote:
> After only running my 3 ActiveMQ brokers for short time, I am seeing
> negative numbers in
> the "Number of Pending Messages" column.  I started seeing this at 5.3.2
> (after upgrading
> from 5.2.0) and opened and issue on it:
>            •
> It was recommended that I upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.4.0, which I did, however, I
> am still
> seeing this issue.
> Current Environment:
> • CentOS release 5.2 (both consumers and brokers)
> • 3 ActiveMQ brokers
> • 7 consumers (across different queues)
> Thanks,
> --
> Colleen Velo
> email:


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