On Jan 19, 2011, at 11:21 PM, habumaster wrote:

> Ah you can send Stomp to ActiveMQ and get text back out - just add the
> {'amq-msg_type'='text'} header to the stomp send and it goes as text.

One typo.  You need all hyphens, no underscores.

> Problem is now I am getting back in the response message as [object Text] in
> the alert() call in the example. Using the prototype adapter and amq.js.
> "received [object Text]"
> How do I get the text out of the "message" here?
> Can you shed some light on it?

If you're using Firefox/Firebug, you can also do "console.log(message)" instead 
of "alert(message)".  That will give you much more insight into what "message" 


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