
What command do you try to use and how do you try to set a configuration file? 
I have never specified a configuration file for producer or consumer but simply 
set all options using -D arguments, e.g.

activemq-perf:producer -Dproducer.sessTransacted=false 
-Dproducer.sessAckMode=autoAck ...

That works fine for me.

Torsten Mielke

On Nov 14, 2011, at 3:54 PM, martinec wrote:

> Hello,
> I have downloaded activemq-parent-5.5.0-source-release package to run the 
> activemq performance test. I had been able to run the test successfully, but 
> then I did not managed to change the default configuration for the producer.
> I read the plugin sources (in the activemq-tooling/maven-activemq-perf-plugin 
> directory) and now I believe that the producer's or consumer's configuration 
> is never loaded at all. For example, JmsProducerProperties seems to be never 
> set to non-default values. Additionally, I cannot see where the configuration 
> files can be specified in the manual 
> (http://activemq.apache.org/activemq-performance-module-users-manual.html).
> Does the performance test use the default configuration only or did I miss 
> anything?
> Regards,
> Tomas

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