Most of the usecases around XA are around an application server, and
hence around MDBs, And JMS.

ClientSession extends XAResource so you should be able to use / enlist
on a Transaction Manager, or if you really wanted (I'm not advising
you) you could play the TransactionManager on some fakes (for tests

I always advise people to use messaging for fast services as much as
possible. Transactions will introduce a point of sync and you will be
using your messaging system pretty much as a database. if you really
need that at least try to batch your transactions so you can scale
without requiring many servers to support your load.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Quinn Stevenson
<> wrote:
> Is there an example of using the Artemis Core APIs with XA?  It appears that 
> all of the XA examples use JMS.  Am I missing something?

Clebert Suconic

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