I guess I should add that to the FAQ. I get this question once in a while.

How would we describe it? there's no need for an Artemiq-Camel
component at the moment, just use what?

Any camel specialist can provide me a simple answer to add to the doc?

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Quinn Stevenson
<qu...@pronoia-solutions.com> wrote:
> I don’t think an equivalent for the “activemq-broker” Camel component is 
> needed - just my opinion there.
> As far as a “artemis-camel” or “camel-artemis” component goes, I don’t think 
> one is “needed” - but I’m wondering if a specific component could provide any 
> value over using just the JMS abstractions.  If everything you can do in 
> “core” is available (or will be available) via the JMS abstractions, then I 
> don’t see a compelling reason for a component dedicated to Artemis - unless 
> of course configuring the component becomes too complex or the JMS 
> abstractions incur too much overhead.
> If it is decided that a specific component would provide some value, I would 
> like to see it in the Camel project and not in Artemis (i.e. camel-artemis 
> instead of artemis-camel).  Just my opinion ...
>> On Oct 24, 2016, at 4:40 PM, Clebert Suconic <clebert.suco...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> - There is an “activemq-camel” component today, and since Artemis is
>> slated to become the next “ActiveMQ”, I was looking for functional
>> equivalents.  This is actually what started the whole question for me,
>> because I can do everything I need to do in core Artemis without
>> muddying the waters with JMS abtractions.  For example, the aliases
>> that get created for JMS destinations really confused me at first.
>> We are fixing the destinations on next release (1.6.0) 1.5.0 is bound
>> to be released this week.
>> Do we need a camel component within Artemis? if we do we can create
>> one.. but every I ask this question I get the same answer that we
>> don't need it given it's a bit different with Artemis.
>> if you found a real need we can certainly create it.
>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Quinn Stevenson
>> <qu...@pronoia-solutions.com> wrote:
>>> I can stick with JMS - I’ve used JMS servers for a long time, and I can get 
>>> what I need done that way.
>>> There are a couple of reasons behind the question:
>>> - I try to keep my dependencies to a minimum.  When I use JMS in camel 
>>> currently, I use camel-sjms whenever I can (basically whenever I don’t need 
>>> XA) because the configuration is simpler and I don’t drag in all the Spring 
>>> dependencies.  The camel-sjms component does some other things better IMO 
>>> opinion as well - but it’s mostly because it’s simpler to configure and 
>>> easier to use IMO.
>>> - There is an “activemq-camel” component today, and since Artemis is slated 
>>> to become the next “ActiveMQ”, I was looking for functional equivalents.  
>>> This is actually what started the whole question for me, because I can do 
>>> everything I need to do in core Artemis without muddying the waters with 
>>> JMS abtractions.  For example, the aliases that get created for JMS 
>>> destinations really confused me at first.
>>> As an aside, there isn’t an equivalent for the activemq-broker component.  
>>> I don’t really use that one, but it can be handy.  I guess I could do this 
>>> with a diverter, but I haven’t tried yet.
>>>> On Oct 20, 2016, at 12:38 PM, Clebert Suconic <clebert.suco...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> the JMS layer on Artemis is a thin layer on top of the Core API. I
>>>> would stick to JMS or JMS2.
>>>> There are some extra controls you can have on addresses and queues but
>>>> that will soon also come into JMS after martyn is done with the
>>>> refactoring on addressing here:
>>>> https://github.com/apache/activemq-artemis/tree/ARTEMIS-780
>>>> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Tim Bain <tb...@alumni.duke.edu> wrote:
>>>>> What's the reason behind wanting to avoid using the JMS layer in favor of
>>>>> the proprietary Artemis core API?  I've not done anything with Artemis, so
>>>>> this is very much a question from a place of ignorance, but Quinn's
>>>>> statement sounded a lot like "I only want to use Hibernate-proprietary
>>>>> APIs, none of those pesky JPA-standard ones that might let me interoperate
>>>>> or swap underlying technologies later," and I'm curious about the logic
>>>>> that led to the statement...
>>>>> Tim
>>>>> On Oct 18, 2016 3:55 PM, "Clebert Suconic" <clebert.suco...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Quinn Stevenson
>>>>>> <qu...@pronoia-solutions.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Clebert -
>>>>>>> Thank you for your input!
>>>>>>> I try and avoid XA transactions whenever possible as well.  I do have a
>>>>>> few customers that insist on transactions when they do JMS->JMS routes 
>>>>>> (the
>>>>>> JMS destination are in different brokers/servers - hence the need for 
>>>>>> XA).
>>>>>> got it... was just pointing my 2 cents there. Try to batch (like 1000
>>>>>> messages & 1000 whatever else you are doing on a single TX). if you
>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>> This is really the last piece I need to figure out before I’ll be able
>>>>>> to implement Artemis (core only) into our standard flows.  I know we can
>>>>>> always use the JMS layer, but I’d like to be able to use just the core 
>>>>>> if I
>>>>>> can.
>>>>>> all the methods available on JMS for XA are also available on
>>>>>> ClientSession. There shouldn't be any difference.
>>>>>> Let me know If you can't figure out, and I (or someone else) may write
>>>>>> an example
>>>>>>> I’m planning on doing the integration in Camel, and it’s looking more
>>>>>> and more like I’ll need an “artemis-camel” (hosted in the Artemis source)
>>>>>> or a “camel-artemis” (hosted in the Camel Components source).  Any 
>>>>>> thoughts
>>>>>> on which would be the most appropriate place for the component?  ActiveMQ
>>>>>> 5.x has the activemq-camel component, but it always seemed to me it was 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the wrong place - that it should be camel-activemq.
>>>>>> I looked at the camel component on AMQ5 at some time ago and it would
>>>>>> be simple to port it. I thought it wasn't needed though. but if you
>>>>>> need it we can add something into artemis/master just like AMQ5 has
>>>>>> one.
>>>>>> Can you add it?  Send a PR... we accept PRs :)
>>>>>> if you even send it soon, I'm planning a release early next week. if
>>>>>> it's well done (well done means.. not breaking anything) it might be
>>>>>> there before we release it.
>>>> --
>>>> Clebert Suconic
>> --
>> Clebert Suconic

Clebert Suconic

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