Hi Martyn,
good Monday.

Unfortunately, I've an update about our tests on artemis snapshot 1.6 you g=
ave me last week.
It seems that after few time of use (sometimes an hour ...other times less)=
 it stops to accept connections. Resources on server are totally ok: we hav=
e about 40/50 clients, each one who sends 2/3 messages per minute., and cpu=
 and mem consumption is really low.
But I don't know why... at a certain point, clients can't connect any more =
to the Artemis broker. And I don't see any error on log (set to DEBUG level=
). Simply, whoever try to connect, stays in "CONNECT" status forever (perfo=
rming retry attempts).
I've done a thread dump of JVM in that situation: you can find it attached.
You can see there are few threads that are BLOCKED, waiting to =
lock at "org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.protocol.mqtt.MQTTConnectionManag=
er.connect". I don't know if this can help to find the problem. Unfortunate=
ly I'm not yet able to identify the exact steps to reproduce it. I'm curren=
tly committed exactly on this. I'll let you know as s threaddumps.tdump
<http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/file/n4721908/threaddumps.tdump>  oon
as I can.

Meanwhile: have you any idea?


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